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Welcome to
My Official Campaign Website
Karl Brabenec was elected to serve the constituents of the 98th Assembly District on November 4, 2014. The district includes parts of Orange and Rockland counties which include Deerpark, Port Jervis, Mount Hope, Wawayanda, Greenville, Goshen, Minisink, Warwick, Monroe, Tuxedo and Ramapo. He is currently the Minority Whip for the New York State Assembly and the ranking minority member on the Assembly Labor Committee.
Brabenec is dedicated to improving the quality of life for his community by alleviating the crushing tax burden facing residents with smarter budget solutions and spending cuts. He recognizes the obstacles facing small businesses and family farms in New York and will fight to cut the senseless red-tape, regulations and taxes stifling job creation and business growth.
How to Help
There are MANY ways you can help the campaign!

Your financial assistance can help Karl get the message out about how he can make positive change in New York State!
Your financial assistance can help Karl get the message out about how he can make positive change in New York State!
Thank you for your interest in volunteering to keep Karl A. Brabenec as your "Favorite" New York State Assemblyman. He will need your support throughout the coming months.
Thank you for your interest in volunteering to keep Karl A. Brabenec as your "Favorite" New York State Assemblyman. He will need your support throughout the coming months.
Request a Lawn Sign
Thank you for helping us keep Karl A. Brabenec as your New York State Assemblyman. Request a sign for your lawn or business by clicking here!
Request a Lawn Sign
Thank you for helping us keep Karl A. Brabenec as your New York State Assemblyman. Request a sign for your lawn or business by clicking here!